Linguistic and cognitive development in children with CI - current research in the Nordic countries, 3 October, 2002 in Lund
Fra Døveorganisasjoner:
Preliminary schedule
Norge: Paal Richard Peterson (bildet) og Rune Anda
Sverige: Lars Åke Wikström og Ragnar Weer -
Danmark: Knud Søndergaard, Dorte Møller og Mie Raunsmed
Birgitta Sahlén (bildet t.v.), Åsa Nordqvist (bildet, i midten): Introduction
Ann Geers, USA
Factors predicting post-implant outcome in early implanted children (including short break)
11.15-11.40 -
Kerttu Huttunen (bilde t.v.), Taina Välimaa (bilde), Martti Sorri, Finland
A five year follow up on 20 Finnish children after cochlear implantation
Ona Bø Wie, Norway
Can we categorize children with CI? - Methods of evaluation and results from Rikshospitalet, Oslo
12.00-13.00 Lunch
Bryndis Gudmundsdottir, Iceland
The progress and recovery of a CI child whose implant failed
Anne-Lise Kristoffersen, Skådalen kompetansesenter, Norway (bildet, t.v.)
The comprechension and production of language, regardless of communication mode, in children with cochlear implants
Borghild Landsvik (bildet, t.h.), Skådalen kompetansesenter, Norway
Oral language acquisition in children with CI assessed with the Reynell Developmental Language Seales
13.40-14.00 -
Uffe Jochumsen (bilde t.v.), Malene Mortensen (bilde t.h.), Denmark
A report from three CI-teams in Denmark
Ulrika Löfkvist, Elisabeth Östlund, Sweden
A report from the CI-team in Stockholm
14.20-14.40 Break
Birgitta Sahlen, Sweden
Is age at implant the only factor that counts? The influence of working memory on lexical and grammatical development in children with CI
15.00-15.20 Åse Nordqvist, Sweden
The bilingual language development in four young children with cochlear implants
Ingebjørg Skaug, Norway
Dynamic scoring method for speech intelligibility in children with CI
15.40-16.00 Closing of the meeting
De svenske døvetolkene fikk takk og blomster.