Rapport fra FMMs generalsekretær Dimby 16. oktober 2005
Facts about Madagascar (by Rajaonary Theodoric)
Madagascar Delegation
Name of representative:
Madagascar Reports
· How Deaf people are estimated to live in your Nation?
For Madagascar with 17,000,000 population, we estimate the number of deaf person around 170,000.
It’s the last statistic from WHO, but we know 1,500 deaf person educate and understand sign language since 1950.
· What is the Sign Language of your Nation? Do you have more than one Sign Language?
We called here MALAGASY SIGN LANGUAGE. It’s the one sign language for whole Madagascar.
· What is/are the spoken language/s of your Nation?
· What type of education is available to Deaf people in your Nation?
We use both methods: Total Communication and sign language as Bilinguism.
· What types of jobs do Deaf people hold in your Nation?
It’s based on handicrafts: sewing and embroidery for deaf women and woodwork like carpenter for the deaf men.
Currently, in our school in Antananarivo, the capital, we have class of computer and now there is a deaf secretary and work in publicity commercial.
· Are there laws in your Nation to protect, and/or provide services to Deaf people?
Yes, there are since 1998, but it’s stay a written laws only because our Government hasn’t a clear policy towards handicap person.
Now, we make up Malagasy decade for handicap people 2003 to 2013.This committee tries to do the National Policy for handicap people.
The Malagasy Lutheran Church has services for the Deaf persons. All the school for deaf are under their authority. They have 6 schools for whole Madagascar.
And The Federation of the Deaf in Madagascar (FMM) who defend the Deaf causes and the Deaf Rights. They have 9 branches in total.
Now, they launch projects with the Norwegian Deaf Federation (NDF) in four fields since 2004, like in:
- Education – Sign language Dictionary – Visiting – training new interpret -
· Are there laws about interpreters in your Nation? If yes, please explain them.
No. We haven’t.
· Current overview of what is happening in your country. Nothing special.
Madagascar report:
· The number of Sign Language interpreters (part-time/full-time)
Now, Madagascar has 5 interpreters in total since 1998, who working part time.
Because they have their own work:
- 01 Reverend
- 02 Teachers
- 01 Webmaster
- And me 01 Social Worker.
· The interpreter’s organisation/s: The Name of the Association/Organisation/Agency in your language (if possible in English) and how many members has/have.
We have any organisation yet.
Now, we think to create an association. We ‘LL call it “Madagascar sign Language interpreter service”??
· Interpreter training: At what level is the training if any (University or lower), explain in short phrases the length and contents. How many centres are there in your Country?
We haven’t Centre for the interpreter training in our Country.
For us, it’s a special courses for 2 years training (1996-1998) organised by the Malagasy Lutheran Church.
Theoretical and practical courses.
Now, we become teachers at the FMM project to teach 20 new interpreters (2005-2007) in a special course too.
· Do you have a testing system to decide who is qualified to interpret in your Nation? Yes or No. If you have a testing system, can you briefly describe it?
No, we haven’t testing system.
We have exam (theory and practice) in the end of training with a book of research in sign language.
· Most important events for your association/etc. in the past year No Association, but we work together with FMM : Federation of the Deaf in Madagascar and NDF to set up a project to teach 20 new interpreters.
· Most important events for the situation of Sign Language interpreters in your country (for example the recognition of the national Sign Language, of the profession, Particular Training courses, etc.)
-We was start to translate the National TV news in simultaneous since on 2000 (once a week at Saturday noon TV news).
-We work in Church every Sunday morning during the worship at the Lutheran church.
-we interpret too at the Deaf school with the teachers (or lectures) who don’t practice sign.
-we teach sign language for the parents of deaf children and teachers at the Deaf School.
-Deaf Social events (training, wedding, meeting,...)
We do all this as volunteers in part time because we have our own job.
Indeed currently, Malagasy populations start to understand the Malagasy sign language. They accept it as deaf communication but we haven’t laws about it. We have only natural recognition.
· Goals of your association/etc. for the coming year/s
. Set up a Legal Association of sign language interpreter.
. Make recognition of sign language whole our big Island.
. Defend the interests and causes of sign language interpreter.
· What is needed for sign language interpreting to develop?
For our Country, we need:
-International training and skills to have diploma to training sign language and new interpreter.
-Technical aid and financial support.
· What are your expectations of a world body and how can they support you?
. Create a school for Malagasy Sign Language.
. Set up “DEAF MEDIA” for deaf TV news, teach sign language in TV, deaf film/movie and documentation in sign language,…
. to be full time working and work as interpreter with reasonable salary.
· What do you have that can help others?
Ideas and suggestions.
Thank you.